to Sep 14

Cruise with Secret - September 11-14

Enjoying a cool ocean breeze - with all your Secret family and friends on a Carnival Cruise!

Well, now is the time! This is your chance to make it happen!  We have our first ever Secret Cruise from September 11-14, 2015!

The ship will board on Friday and depart from Miami. We will arrive in Nassau at 10:00 AM where we will spend the day and stay overnight. On Sunday, we will depart from Nassau at 7:00 AM and have a Fund Day At Sea. Will will arrive back in Miami on Monday and disembark by 8:00 AM.

All the while, we will be spending time with our Secret Friends, living and laughing! You might want to bring your spinning shoes - Secret might take over the spin room!

Contact Yackie at Carnival directly if you wish to join us in our fun.

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to Jun 7

CHALLENGE: Fifty Shades of Fit

F. S. O. F.

Fifty Shades of Fit

Thirteen weeks of engaging "Moments"! A moment is a higher achievement that you reach beyond your starting base, and each new moment is marked by collecting and adding a colored string to your collection wrist band. Achieve 50 moments by the end of the 13 weeks and your name is added to a pool of names to be drawn for a free cruise with us this summer on a weekend Secret Cycling Carnival Cruise of fun & fit. Yes, we cruise together this summer...Secret style with Carnival.

Here are the details:

We collect base measurements of waist fat by calipers, body weight on the scale, body BMI, an upper body test, and a lower body test. Then you get started with us. 3 boot camps in one week = a moment. Any weeks you exceed the last rep count record of your upper body test = a moment. Any week you exceed your last rep count record of your lower body test = a moment. Any week you break your last weight low = a moment. Reaching 500 miles = a moment and a Secret F.S.O.F. shirt. Reaching 1,000 miles = a moment. 50 moments collected + 1,000 miles ridden = cruise drawing. And along the way we have many special challenges and things to focus on each week of the Odyssey . Ending F.S.O.F. with a smaller caliper fat measurement = a moment. Completing F.S.O.F. with a lower BMI measurement = a moment. Moments, lots and lots of moments of at a time!

The goal is to get ripped for find a better shade of have fun and results (moments) together.  Are you on board with us? Anyone can join us for the cruise this summer (date of the weekend to be announced). We are looking for engaging moments along the way to building higher confidence. Let us know if you are ready. We plan to start in a week. You must get your baselines measured to start with us. You will sign a personal commitment to yourself when you join us. You record your results as they happen each week of the journey.

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